
Everyone loves to spend time with Heidi.  Her sweet disposition and fun sense of humour brings joy every day. She enjoys sewing, baking, horses, reading and writing. Heidi plays violin, piano, and cello. 


Adventurous and super-fun. Her laugh is contagious. She plays violin, guitar and bass guitar, and double-bass. She also loves composing music and lyrics.

Alonzo & Janessa

In the summer of 2023 we added a new member to the family! Janessa has been such a welcome addition, it is so fun to watch Alonzo and Janessa do life together as a couple on fire for the Lord! They had their first baby, Arizona Ocean, in the spring of 2024 and we are enjoying her so much!


Solid like a rock, Pete is an excellent friend for his older siblings and an amazing companion to his younger brothers and sisters.  He enjoys problem-solving, wood-working, puzzles, and listening to music. He plays percussion, piano, accordion and violin.


Like her name implies, Sunny shines wherever she goes. She is so enthusiastic about life. She enjoys reading, drawing, writing, and snuggling with her cat. Sunny plays the piano, guitar, ukulele and percussion.


Full of sparkle and fun, Amy is always coming up with great ways to spend time with her brothers and sisters. She bakes amazing bread and sews original gifts for her family. She is a farm girl and heart, and loves caring for her chickens. Amy plays violin, piano and ukulele.


Davidson, more often called Davie, is a true joy to be with.  He enjoys fishing, building forts, making things with wood, and playing games (careful, he almost always wins!)  Davie absolutely adores all of his brothers and sisters. He plays the bass guitar. 


With a great sense of humour and endearing smile, Isaac is always winning hearts. He likes to figure out how things work and asks oodles of questions. He enjoys creating marble tracks out of just about anything. Isaac is learning to play percussion and piano.