Children's Ministry

Children’s ministry has been an important part of both Bonnie and Curtis’ lives since childhood.   They have a definite love for kids, and a desire to see children come to Jesus.  Becoming child-like is a critical step for all of us, to embrace Salvation which only Jesus can offer. 

Curtis and Bonnie and their family strive to present the big picture from Creation to the redemptive work of Jesus through His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.  There is such a gap in society today and so many children (and even their parents) have not heard the truth about Jesus, as there is a strong emphasis placed on secular ideas, coming through media, internet and even the educational system.

Children need to know and understand that God planned for them – that they are not a mistake.  Children need to know that God loves them!  They deserve to hear the Truth!

Looking For A Treasure

Curtis & Bonnie and Family

Children's Album

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